After the rescue, Sara starts to get closer to Rudeus until she decides to ask him out on a date. Later that night, Sara flirts with Rudeus and indicates that she is willing to have sex with him. Unfortunately for Rudeus, he discovers he is suffering from erectile dysfunction, which causes a disappointed Sara to leave. Afterwards, an embarrassed Rudeus tries to drink away his sorrows and ends up venting his feelings to Soldat. Soldat, figuring that Rudeus' issues lay with lingering subconscious feelings for Eris, agrees to help Rudeus. He takes Rudeus to a local brothel where one of the prostitutes, Elise, theorizes that Rudeus cannot feel passion because he fears rejection from women. On the way home, Rudeus goes on a drunken rant on how he does not like Sara and she is not attractive, which Sara overhears and angrily slaps Rudeus, telling him she never wants to see him again. A depressed Rudeus tries to commit suicide, but Soldat, taking pity on him, prevents this and offers to bring him along to clear a labyrinth in the Duchy of Neris. Meanwhile, Elinalise is searching for Rudeus and learns that he has gone to the northlands.